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DCA Registration Information

All DASD students who are enrolled in a Downingtown Cyber Academy program are dually-enrolled in home school building.  Students have access to all activities, clubs, sports, etc provided by their home building. Families will receive communication from the cyber program(s) and the home school building principal.


2024-2025 DCA Registration is now closed for existing DASD students. Please contact your child's school counselor.

New students to DASD may enroll in DCA after being fully enrolled in the District. (If you have any questions, please email us at



DCA Program Registration for the 

2025-2026 School Year

Online Instruction Enrollment for Grades K- 8  The online instructional program for Kindergarten through grade 6 and possibly grades 7-8, will be provided by our partner, the CCIU Brandywine Virtual Academy.  Information regarding this program can be found at: 

Elementary (K-5) students can choose a synchronous or asynchronous learning modality. We only offer full-time enrollment for elementary.
Middle School (6-8) students can choose a synchronous or asynchronous learning modality.  Students can enroll part-time or full-time. More information regarding the online program for grades 7-8 will be shared in late January.
(Please note:  If students elect to attend the online program part-time, they will need to contact their school counselor to create a feasible in-person schedule.  Transportation is not provided outside of the regular bus routes.  Students must be either picked up or dropped off for their in-person instruction.) 2025-2026 Registration link for DCA/BVA - Grade 6-8

Online Instruction Enrollment for Grades 9-12The online instructional program for students in grades 9-12 is provided by our Downingtown Cyber Academy and uses the district's curriculum via an asynchronous learning modality with live office hours.

High School (9-12) students can enroll as a part-time or full-time student in our online program. 

High School online courses are selected during our Course Selection Window via our student information system, Infinite Campusin late January AND by completing the DCA Registration form below. Students should consult with their school counselor prior to requesting online courses.


***After the Course Selection Window closes - February 7, 2025, high school students who wish to enroll in online courses must register using the DCA Registration form only. 

***Space is limited so it is highly recommended to register for online classes before March 1st.

2025-2026 Registration link for DCA - Grades 9-12