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Onboarding New DCA Students

Welcome to the DCA!

Grade K-6 students new to the DCA/BVA will be provided with an Orientation via the Brandywine Virtual Academy (BVA).  

***Beginning in the 2025-2026 School Year, students in Grades 7-8 who join will also be served via the BVA.

Are you a new parent/guardian of a Grade K-6 DCA/BVA student? Watch this Learning Coach Orientation from the BVA.

Grades 7-12 students new to the DCA will be provided an orientation slide deck with a brief student assessment that they must complete before beginning any coursework.

Are you a new parent/guardian of a Grade 7-12 DCA student? We've created this  onboarding presentation that guides students and parents through some important tasks in Schoology, Infinite Campus, and Zoom. 

We strongly encourage students and their families to review this entire orientation presentation prior to starting in the DCA!

***Beginning in the 2025-2026 School Year, students in Grades 7-8 who join will also be served via the BVA.

New to the DCA Grades K-6?  

Grades K-5 students visit the Brandywine Virtual Academy (BVA) webpage -

Grade 6 students visit the Brandywine Virtual Academy (BVA) webpage -


New to the DCA Grades 7-12? Start here!

Accessibility Activation

To Listen to the Google Slide Presentation:

  • Click on Google Slide icon bottom right.
  • Click on first slide.
  • Enable screen reader support:
    • Click on "Tools" in tool bar.
    • Turn on Screen reader support>OK.
  • Activate screen reader tool of choice.


DCA Zoom Schedules for Grades 7-8

Grades 7-8 Middle school Zooms in the DCA are required for all students. If students are unable to attend live Zooms, the parents/guardians can fill out a Personalized Learning Agreement where students watch the recordings. Here is the form to request the Personalized Learning Plan Agreement.

High school Zooms in the DCA are optional. 

For a complete list of Zoom times, please view this spreadsheet and click on the grade on the bottom tabs.